When considering starting to write a blog, my primary concerns were, 1. Who will read it? 2. What will I write about? and 3. Is there actually a speck of humor within my body that I can shamelessly and continuously attempt to take advantage of while writing?
Although these concerns have yet to be resolved, I decided to wing it like any other overconfident young person of my generation. In all seriousness, I decided to create a blog because I wanted to forcefully inspire myself to write more. If there's an audience you're accountable, right? As a recently declared English major, I figured that I had to shake off the cobwebs around my fledgeling writing skills that built up during my brief but wild stint as a Biology major my freshman year (see the about me section for more details on my peace out science life change). Unfortunately for me, writing 200 words of bad fanfiction during my chemistry lecture each day just wasn't cutting it so I figured that writing to some kind of audience would help me to shake off some of the dust and develop a more diverse set of writing skills. As of now, I'm not entirely sure whether this is a good strategy or not. To be realistic, the likelihood that I'll actually continue to update this blog is small. It's kind of like that journal from the third grade that you find every summer when your mom makes you clean out your room: the entires are sporadic, low-quality, and range from "I don't think that x likes me like I like them - like I like like them" to "I'm about to go to college and everything is on fire". However, I'm hoping that accountability and baseless self-confidence will carry me through the inevitable writer's block. I'm also hoping that I won't have to resort to writing about like likeing people, but I can make no promises. Because truthfully, as your average gal taking on the whirlwind city of... well, Omaha, NE, I feel like I don't have much to truly write about. I don't have a fancy internship over the summer. I'm not studying abroad. I have no sense of style to speak of. My opinions aren't necessarily novel. For pete's sake, I'm going to be working at a grocery store Starbucks this summer and that's just about as plebeian as it gets. But for those of you who stick around, I salute and appreciate you. For those of you who don't, I mean... same. In any case, whether you're here because you know me (I'm sorry), because you stumbled across this on accident (I'm also sorry), because you genuinely think my writing is quality (I'm really sorry), or because you're also a serial apologizer (thanks for the solidarity), I hope you gain something out of this, whether it's a better understanding of whoever I really am (please clue me in) or a new idea or point of view. Deuces.
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